Monday, 25 September 2017

21st Century Mobile Social Learning

The world is changing. Information is like air. Data is everywhere, free-flowing and accessible to virtually everyone for very little money. It means that the world has gone mobile. We have access to learning everywhere because of technology. 

Every day, students are seeking ways to personalize their learning by more effectively and efficiently using the mobile devices in their pockets and backpacks. They are using these technologies to collaborate with each other on history projects, to receive reminders about upcoming assignments and tests in math, and to take photos and videos of science labs to review later. They are using mobile apps to organize their schoolwork, check on grades, take notes in class and learn about school activities. 

As teachers and administrators have become mobile device users, or mobilists, their appreciation for how these devices can support and enhance learning is exponentially increased. 

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Guru Abad Ke-21

Tahukah anda , profesion keguruan pada abad ke-21 bukan sahaja  terdedah kepada pelbagai cabaran baharu yang berbentuk kebendaan, intelek­tual, pemikiran, kerohanian, kebudayaan dan ideologi baharu, tetapi juga isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan masalah etika.

Oleh itu, peranan dan komitmen mereka amat diperlukan dan malah tugas menjadi semakin mencabar dengan keperluan pembelajaran Abad ke-21. Sehubungan itu , para pendidik seharusnya mengorak langkah untuk melengkapkan diri sebagai pembina dan pemimpin ilmu khususnya berasaskan tek­nologi serta bersedia menjurus kepada penguasaan dan penggunaan teknologi maklumat dalam pelbagai bidang.

Tujuan pembelajaran Abad Ke-21 adalah untuk melahirkan murid yang produktif tinggi, mahir dalam komunikasi, mempunyai kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi serta mahir dalam penggunaan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT). Oleh yang demikian bagi memastikan objektif pengajaran dapat dicapai, guru-guru perlu terlebih dahulu melengkapkan diri dengan kemahiran-kemahiran tersebut sebelum dalam melaksanakan pengajaran dengan berkesan. 

Guru-guru Abad Ke-21 perlu menguasai kepakaran berikut dalam menguruskan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam bilik darjah :

Monday, 18 September 2017

Teachers DO Make A Difference

What difference do teachers make? 
You as a teacher ARE impacting what the child is learning!  
Teachers make a difference not only in what their students learn about content, but in what they learn about life! 
  • Setting high expectations for students
  • Conveying confidence in student capabilities
  • Creating classroom rituals and traditions
  • Networking with family and community
  • Developing strong interpersonal skills
  • Identifying relational resources
  • Communicating appropriate caring and respect in the classroom

It takes all our best teaching techniques, patience and empathy to get everyone moving forward positively. 
Developing quality relationships with students is key to their healthy development.  

Healthy connections with teachers are associated with a decrease in behavioral problems and an increase in social and academic skills. The relationships we develop with our students are at the heart of how we make a difference.

Love to Teach. Live To Learn

Hi! Assalamualaikum. Welcome to my education blog. 

Teaching is the best job in the world. Teaching is fun, exciting & fulfilling. Keeping students engaged and motivated can be a challenge, even for the best teachers. It's important for students to be aware of learning strategies that are both effective and fun for them. 

If teachers and students can stay conscious of improving the learning process on a regular basis, it's much easier to work together to keep lessons engaging and motivating.

I enjoy every bit of my job. I also love learning and find ideas for making teaching fun for all concerned. Hopefully, some of my thoughts will inspire you. 

Enjoy your reading! Bye....